Technology Tips for Dental Practices During this Time of Office Closure

Posted March 24, 2020 in Business, Dental Tech, General, News & Events

We realize that your office may be closed for patient visits, so we wanted to share some helpful tips & advice to consider during this time:

1)  Leave your computers turned ON if possible.

You may turn off your monitors, printers, scanners, and any other digital equipment or peripherals, but leaving your PCs turned on will be helpful for many reasons:

i.          Computer(s) must be turned on in order to utilize remote access from home.

ii.          SK Tech is applying security patches, software updates, and other maintenance activities to keep the systems updated and ready for your return.

iii.          Allowing updates to run during this time will avoid a backlog of changes that will then need to be processed once the computers are turned back on.

2)     Contact SK Tech for assistance with remote access to your computer system from home, if you do not currently utilize this technology.

We are actively helping many customers establish remote access for their doctors and their staff.  With this technology, you can quickly and easily obtain full access to a computer in your office (from home) to view charts, schedules, x-rays, or anything else on your office computer system.

3)     Contact SK Tech for assistance with video tools to perform “Teledentistry”. 

There is simple video technology allows you to connect with patients and provide help or guidance as needed.  The ADA released information on March 23rd regarding insurance billing and coding as well as some helpful information about this service:

i.          ADA Guidance for Teledentistry:  ADA COVID Coding and Billing_Guidance


Thank you very much!  Please Stay Safe!  – The SK Tech Team

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